Source code for pybbda.analysis.trajectories.batted_balls.calculator

import attr
from functools import partial
from scipy.integrate import RK45
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pybbda.analysis.utils import check_between_zero_one, cos_in_degrees, sin_in_degrees

from .parameters import (

[docs]@attr.s(kw_only=True) class BattedBallTrajectory: """ Class for a batted ball trajectory. The algorithm is taken from Alan Nathan's trajectory calculator, """ x0 = attr.ib(default=0, metadata={"units": "ft"}) y0 = attr.ib(default=2.0, metadata={"units": "ft"}) z0 = attr.ib(default=3.0, metadata={"units": "ft"}) spin = attr.ib(default=2675, metadata={"units": "revs_per_second"}) spin_phi = attr.ib(default=-18.5, metadata={"units": "degrees"}) drag_strength = attr.ib(default=1, validator=check_between_zero_one) magnus_strength = attr.ib(default=1, validator=check_between_zero_one) batted_ball_constants = attr.ib(default=BattedBallConstants()) drag_force_coefs = attr.ib(default=DragForceCoefficients()) lift_force_coefs = attr.ib(default=LiftForceCoefficients()) env_parameters = attr.ib(default=EnvironmentalParameters()) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.initial_position = np.array((self.x0, self.y0, self.z0)) self.pi_30 = np.pi / 30 self.c0 = ( 0.07182 * self.env_parameters.air_density * self.env_parameters.unit_conversions.kgm3_to_lbft3 * (5.125 / self.batted_ball_constants.mass) * (self.batted_ball_constants.circumference / 9.125) ** 2 )
[docs] def omega_fun(self, t, spin): """ angular speed. :param t: float :param spin: float :return: float """ return spin * np.pi / 30
[docs] def s_fun(self, t, vw, spin): """ spin. computed as a function of `t`, the time, `vw` speed with respect to the wind, and `spin`, the initial spin :param t: float :param vw: float :param spin: float :return: float """ omega = self.omega_fun(t, spin) romega = self.batted_ball_constants.circumference * omega / (24 * np.pi) return (romega / vw) * np.exp(-t * vw / (self.lift_force_coefs.tau * 146.7))
[docs] def cl_fun(self, t, vw, spin): """ coefficient of lift. computed as a function of `t`, the time, `vw` speed with respect to the wind, and `spin`, the spin :param t: float :param vw: float :param spin: float :return: float """ s = self.s_fun(t, vw, spin) return ( self.lift_force_coefs.cl2 * s / (self.lift_force_coefs.cl0 + self.lift_force_coefs.cl1 * s) )
[docs] def cd_fun(self, t, vw, spin): """ coefficient of drag. computed as a function of `t`, the time, `vw`, the speed with respect to the wind, and `spin`, the spin. :param t: float :param vw: float :param spin: float :return: float """ return self.drag_force_coefs.cd0 + self.drag_force_coefs.cdspin * ( spin * 1e-3 ) * np.exp(-t * vw / (self.lift_force_coefs.tau * 146.7))
[docs] def get_trajectory( self, initial_speed, launch_angle, launch_direction_angle, initial_spin, spin_angle, delta_time=0.01, ): # TODO: make the return value a trajectory object """ computes a batted ball trajectory. speed is in miles-per-hour, angles in degrees, and spin in revolutions per minute :param initial_speed: float :param launch_angle: float :param launch_direction_angle: float :param initial_spin: float :param spin_angle: float :param delta_time: float :return: pandas data frame """ initial_velocity = ( initial_speed * self.env_parameters.unit_conversions.mph_to_fts * np.array( [ cos_in_degrees(launch_angle) * sin_in_degrees(launch_direction_angle), cos_in_degrees(launch_angle) * cos_in_degrees(launch_direction_angle), sin_in_degrees(launch_angle), ] ) ) initial_conditions = np.concatenate( (self.initial_position, initial_velocity), axis=0 ) rk_solution = RK45( partial( self.trajectory_fun, launch_angle=launch_angle, launch_direction_angle=launch_direction_angle, spin=initial_spin, spin_angle=spin_angle, ), 0, initial_conditions, t_bound=1000, max_step=delta_time, ) ans = [] z = self.initial_position[2] while z >= 0: rk_solution.step() res = rk_solution.y z = res[2] ans.append([rk_solution.t] + list(res)) result_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(ans).reshape(-1, 7)) result_df.columns = ["t", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz"] return result_df
[docs] def trajectory_fun( self, t, trajectory_vars, spin=2500, spin_angle=0, launch_angle=0, launch_direction_angle=0, ): """ function for computing the trajectory using the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method. trajectory vars are the 3 positions and 3 velocity components of the ball. returns the derivatives of the input variables, i.e., the 3 velocity components, and the 3 acceleration components. :param t: float :param trajectory_vars: tuple(float) :param spin: float :param spin_angle: float :param launch_angle: float :param launch_direction_angle: float :return: numpy array """ # trajectory_vars = x, y, z, vx, vy, vz _, _, _, vx, vy, vz = trajectory_vars v = np.sqrt(vx ** 2 + vy ** 2 + vz ** 2) sidespin = spin * sin_in_degrees(spin_angle) backspin = spin * cos_in_degrees(spin_angle) wb = backspin ws = sidespin wx = ( ( wb * cos_in_degrees(launch_direction_angle) - ws * sin_in_degrees(launch_angle) * sin_in_degrees(launch_direction_angle) ) * np.pi / 30 ) wy = ( ( -wb * sin_in_degrees(launch_direction_angle) - ws * sin_in_degrees(launch_angle) * cos_in_degrees(launch_direction_angle) ) * np.pi / 30 ) wz = ws * cos_in_degrees(launch_angle) * np.pi / 30 cd = self.cd_fun(t, v, spin) cl = self.cl_fun(t, v, spin) magnus_const = self.c0 * cl / self.omega_fun(t, spin) * v magnus_const *= self.magnus_strength drag_const = self.c0 * cd * v drag_const *= self.drag_strength fx = -drag_const * vx + magnus_const * (wy * vz - wz * vy) fy = -drag_const * vy + magnus_const * (-wx * vz + wz * vx) fz = ( -drag_const * vz + magnus_const * (wx * vy - wy * vx) - self.env_parameters.g_gravity ) gx = vx gy = vy gz = vz return np.array([gx, gy, gz, fx, fy, fz])